Thursday, May 29, 2014


Poetry - we have all heard this word. But do we know what exactly does this six letter word mean? Is it just a few lines or verses or words that happen to rhyme? Do all poems rhyme? Are poems a mere piece of words or inspiration, that one learns/gets from his/ her surroundings? Are they reality based or a piece of fiction? Who decides if poems are good or bad?

Just take a moment and think about it.

I think poetry is something that can be said or written in very few lines, but they say so much more! They manage to explain everything, from the complexities of the universe to the blissful feeling of love to the feeling of  peacefulness when you hold a new born baby in your hands for the very first time, in the most simplest way.

I do believe that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of feelings. All the emotions like- love, hate, jealously, happiness, sadness, etc are transferred into words, and those words make sentences, and those sentences make marvelous poetry. Everything you feel gets converted into lines.

You can write thousands of pages and books about what you feel and sometimes it still doesn’t manage to get the message across. But most of the times, just a few lines can do the deed. Poetry teaches us that “Little is in fact more!”

You don’t need to be a Shakespeare to write great poetry, you just have to write what comes to your heart and mind. And that’s the best thing about poetry.

The first poem I ever wrote was when I was 18 yrs old and it was for my Nani. It goes like this :
The Lost Soul

‘And now I am left
With nothing but misery
As I see the lifeless cadaver of someone I adore
My home is no longer a home
It’s just a house
Of a lost soul’

Theme of the week:   Have you ever written poetry? What was your first poem called? Do you believe that poetry is really a 'spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'? #WritingPoetry #IndiSpire


  1. The lost soul !Awesum !Thats the beauty of a poem ...Few words when perfectly blended speaks so much about its owner! And yeah ur right u dont need to b Shakespeare to write you Just need to b you!
    btw this poem reminded me of my daadi too !
    Nice :-)

    1. yes, i totally agree with you! awww, well, I'm glad that you could relate to it :) Thank you so much :* :) It was a great pleasure to read your feedback Saima :)

  2. Quite insightful Dia. I love reading poetry. But stories and poetry has their own ways. Sometimes they go well hand to hand but other times its a whole different story. I however love that little poem though! Really nice and cute work Dia. :) I am gonna read more of your works!

    1. yes, both are quite unique in their own way! :) being great on their own, and even together :) Thank you ! :) I feel both glad and honored at this moment :) there are a lost of posts lined up in store, I hope i don't disappoint * fingers crossed*


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~ Dia